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RJ Rakesh

Mic/Radio Jockey I Professional Emcee I Compere I Interactive Gamer I Team-Building Specialist I Comedian

You name the kind of 'Mic' (Radio, Stage, Stadium, Club, Concert, TV, Voice-over, College) ...He is your 'Jockey' !!!!!


Mic/Radio Jockey/ Prof. Ulfat Sultan/ Professional Emcee/ Compere/ Interactive Gamer/ Team-Building Specialist/ who tames the wild talent battalion in the city.


His radio show on Saturdays mornings showcases some jaw dropping action.


Brought in bands/artists from across the country to jam up with him live on 'One Bengaluru One Music' on Sundays nights.


AKA Professor Ulfat Sultan - The self proclaimed tutor who teaches two new English words in his broken Urdu, everyday on the Radio in Bangalore. His peculiar style of rendition and slapstick humour makes him the father of all anti-climaxes. Scripted and voiced by MJ Rakesh.


IRFA - Indian Radio Forum Awards for Best Program 2009

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